Chinese armed police receive ‘devil training’ under scorching heat

2018-07-13 15:10 GMT+8

1 / 4   You may think this is the set of an action blockbuster at first glance, but it is actually a “devil” training drill held by the armed police in Xuancheng City, east China’s Anhui Province on Thursday. The one-week intensive training aims to improve the team’s combat ability. /CNS Photo


2 / 4   As temperatures hit 35°C, the police officers underwent a series of exercises, including search and rescue missions in a mountainous setting, swimming across a river in combat gear and shooting in special situations. /CNS Photo


3 / 4   In January, Chinese President Xi Jinping instructed the armed forces to enhance military training to achieve combat readiness and put military training at a strategic position. /CNS Photo


4 / 4   Thousands of Chinese armed police have been mobilized for flood relief in provinces affected by Typhoon Maria and heavy rainfall in the country’s central and southern regions this week. /CNS Photo

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