2018.10.30 18:10 GMT+8

China slams US' accusations on investment in Latin America


If the United States is truly thinking about developing countries - as those countries are hoping - and doing practical things for them without any conditions, the world's number one economy will hear more compliments, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang on Tuesday.

Lu made the remarks during a regular meeting, when asking about comments on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's accusation, which warns Latin American countries to be wary of Chinese investments in the region.

"I noticed comments from Antigua and Barbuda media, saying that they hope the US could be like China and do some practical things for them," Lu said.

"This is not the first time that the US has accused China of illegitimate reasons."

Pompeo cautioned Panama and other Latin American nations about accepting China's loans under the Belt and Road Initiative. The US official concluded his tour in the region about 10 days ago.

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