Breathtaking air show displays celebrate PLA Air Force's birthday
Updated 22:32, 15-Nov-2018
By Gao Yun
China's biggest international air show has concluded in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province.
The last day of the 12th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, or Airshow Chinacoincided with the 69th birthday of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force on Sunday. The country's air forces performed a number of stunts in celebration.
Brilliant shows in the sky
Howling through the sky, two in a team of four J-20 jets, opened their missile bay doors in flight and showed the missiles to the public for the first time. Four were middle-range missiles and two short-range ones, indicating the jet's combat power.
The jets also performed other astonishing maneuvers such as chandelle, showing both superior maneuverability and aviation esthetics, before finishing their performance.
"We'll protect our country like our predecessors," said Li Jikuan, J-20 test pilot.
The J-20 jet showed off the missiles to the public for the first time. /CCTV Gif

The J-20 jet showed off the missiles to the public for the first time. /CCTV Gif

China is the third country to have mastered the thrust vectoring engine technology after the US and Russia. At the performance, China's J-10B, powered by the country's latest thrust vectoring control (TVC) engine, performed J-turn, Pugachev Cobra and falling leaf, rousing the crowd.
China's J-10B is powered by the country's latest thrust vectoring control (TVC) engine. /VCG Photo

China's J-10B is powered by the country's latest thrust vectoring control (TVC) engine. /VCG Photo

Performed on the same stage is China's self-designed and -manufactured Y-20. Nicknamed "chubby girl," it is one of the largest military transport aircraft in the world, boasting a maximum takeoff weight of around 200 tons.
Y-20, together with the amphibious aircraft AG600 and large passenger aircraft C919, forms the "large aircraft family" of China, which "represents the integrated development achievement of aviation industry of our country," said Feng Wei, one of the first Y-20 pilots.
Y-20, China's military transport aircraft. /VCG Photo

Y-20, China's military transport aircraft. /VCG Photo

Ground equipment, including battle tanks, armored infantry fighting vehicles, and mine-protected vehicles also shone at the exhibition.
Deals sealed
More than 569 contracts, agreements and partnerships worth over 21.2 billion US dollars were signed during the exhibition with trades of 239 aircraft of all sizes.
A total of 770 manufacturers from 43 countries and regions participated in the exhibition. Nearly 150,000 professional visitors and 300,000 ordinary visitors attended.
The grand event drew 2,850 reporters from 425 media outlets from home and abroad.