Chinese instrument, guqin creates soothing sounds for modern minds
Updated 20:53, 20-Jul-2018
By Shen Li
Guqin is the oldest and probably the most well-known musical instrument in China. Chinese poets and scholars have long favored this instrument.
Today, the seven-stringed instrument, aged more than 4,000 years old, may not strike a chord with the modern day audiences. But guqin artist, Wu Na is passionate about modernizing the traditional instrument and uses the Internet to bring the zither to a broader audience.
According to Wu, the instrument is more than just a simple instrument.  "It's a part of the Chinese culture. For me, playing it by myself is a little lonely. But when I play guqin with other artists, it feels like seeking a soul mate via music."
Its elegant body which produced beautiful sounds appealed to Wu when she was a child. When she first tried to combine the instrument with contemporary music, she focused on technique. She learned how to play cello and bass to research if guqin could create these different sounds.
Wu Na playing guqin /CGTN Photo

Wu Na playing guqin /CGTN Photo

After years of trying and testing, Wu says she learned more than just technique. "We can never play guqin like the ancient Chinese poets or scholars because we are living in the modern world. So, I wanted to go out of the box to seek a new world built upon my own understanding of the instrument. And I want to share that with more people."  
She started teaching guqin via the Internet. Those interested could also join her classes offline. And the serenity this instrument brings is proving to be very popular among people living in big cities. 
Wu Na

Wu Na

Wu's guqin class has also attracted foreigners who want to know more about traditional Chinese culture. 
Wen Yue, an Italian sinologist, says learning the instrument also helps her find inner peace. She said, "I started to learn about Chinese culture when I was in university in Rome, so I knew about guqin a long time ago. The moment I first touched the strings, it really echoes with my heart. The way you sit and the way to pause between every note, it's all part of the mental training, like talking to your inner self." 
Wu said guqin, like many other traditional Chinese cultural forms, has regained its popularity. She believes it is something deep inside Chinese people's hearts, which is just waiting to be awakened.