Historical city enacts rules to protect ancient fort complex
Updated 11:49, 27-Dec-2018
Jincheng, a historical city in north China's Shanxi Province, will enact a set of regulations by January 1, 2019, to protect its ancient fort complex with an over-2,000-year history, in a bid to promote cultural tourism in the region.
The city's fort complex dating back to the Warring States period (475 BC - 221 BC) includes over 100 defense fortifications. The relics of each fort consist of gates, ramparts, ancestral temples, dwellings, wells, stone tablets, and other ancient objects, according to an official with the city's legislature.
The complex requires immediate law protection given its inadequate management and research base, said the official.
Xiangyu ancient fort complex in Jincheng City, north China's Shanxi Province. /VCG Photo

Xiangyu ancient fort complex in Jincheng City, north China's Shanxi Province. /VCG Photo

The rules will forbid smoking, rubbish dumping, discharge of sewage and camping activities, while those who indulge in acts of vandalism, dismantlement, and renovation without permission will also be punished.
Mining and quarrying activities are strictly prohibited near the complex's core protected areas. Companies or institutions flouting the regulations will face a fine of up to 1 million yuan (about 145,000 U.S. dollars). Any individual caught breaking the rules will have to pay a maximum penalty of 100,000 yuan (15,000 U.S. dollars). 
(Cover: An aerial view of the Xiangyu ancient fort complex in Jincheng City, north China's Shanxi Province. /VCG Photo)
Source(s): Xinhua News Agency