2019.04.23 16:12 GMT+8

New IRA claims responsibility of young journalist's murder


The New IRA has claimed responsibility for the killing of 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee in Londonderry, the second largest city in Northern Ireland.

The dissident group offered "full and sincere apologies" to Mckee's family and friends in a statement to The Irish News.

A gunman associated with the group aimed to kill police but accidentally shot McKee in the head during a riot in the city's Creggan estate.

Using a code word, the group said McKee died "in the course of attacking the enemy" and insisted its members would "take the utmost care in future."

McGee's death has been widely condemned in Irish political circles and sparked fears of the returning of sectarian violence that once plagued the region.

Authorities believe the violence was orchestrated in response to a search conducted by officers to prevent trouble at this week's anniversary of the Easter Rising – an armed rebellion that happened during Easter Week in 1916 by Irish Republicans to end British rule in Ireland.

Since her death, more than 140 people have contacted police with related information. Det Supt Jason Murphy said there had been a "palpable change" in community sentiment in support of their investigation.

The New IRA, otherwise known as Real Irish Republican Army, was born after the IRA made peace with British and Irish governments in the Good Friday Agreement that took effect in December 1999. The group aims to bring about a united Ireland. 

(With input from agencies)

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