2019.01.11 08:12 GMT+8

Tibet's digital industry gains 297 million U.S. dollars in 2018


Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region gained 2.02 billion yuan (297 million U.S. dollars) from the digital industry in 2018, up 25.1 percent year-on-year.

The number of enterprises in the digital industry exceeded 30,000 in the region, Qizhala, chairman of the regional government, said in his government work report delivered Thursday at the second session of the 11th People's Congress of Tibet Autonomous Region.

Qizhala said that a direct investment of 5.4 billion yuan was made in the information industry in the region last year. The region aims to achieve over 6.5 billion yuan of consumption in the information industry and a 30 percent growth in the digital industry in 2019.

High-tech and digital industry, together with agriculture, tourism and culture, green industry and modern services have become major industries in the region.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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