2019.05.21 22:11 GMT+8

Trump's attack on Huawei is a serious mistake: Bloomberg editorial


U.S. President Donald Trump's attack on Chinese tech giant Huawei is being opposed and criticized in both China and the United States.

Bloomberg published an editorial on Monday, describing Trump's decision of attacking Huawei a serious mistake.

Collateral damage on U.S. companies

Bloomberg believes that Trump's ban on Huawei "will hurt blameless companies around the world, including Huawei's American suppliers, which could lose business and suffer significant new costs."

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The Chinese companies will only redouble their efforts to develop advanced technologies domestically, according to Bloomberg, which at the end could make Chinese companies less reliant on U.S. suppliers.

Undermines trade talks

The Bloomberg editorial also pointed out that "targeting Huawei so nakedly will only further marginalize the few moderates in the Chinese leadership and embolden haws who see conflicts as unavoidable."

The attack will also give the ordinary Chinese the impression that the U.S. is simply trying to limit their economic possibilities, according to the editorial.

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In the end, Trump's decision "will undermine the implicit point of any U.S.-China trade deal," the editorial stated.

The attack will fail

According to the editorial, Bloomberg believes that Trump's gambit is likely to fail since it does not seem like the attack is part of a larger strategy by Trump, nor does it seems like Trump has a clear endgame in mind.

By doing so, "Trump simply risks alienating U.S. allies, infuriating average Chinese, and raising the chances of confrontation," the Bloomberg editorial said.

Another important reason why Trump will fail on his Huawei agenda is that Huawei hasn't been directly accused of any wrongdoing, according to another Bloomberg opinion piece published on Tuesday.

"What the U.S. needs is a larger plan that seeks a healthier coexistence with China," the editorial said. "Crushing Huawei, by contrast, simply looks like a strategic miscalculation- and one with potentially disastrous consequences."

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