Tech & Sci
2018.10.19 20:45 GMT+8

Stonefish: A fierce warrior under the sea

By Zhao Ying

To survive under the sea, each creature has its unique stunt to prey and to scare off predators. As the world's most venomous fish that populates in the Indo-Pacific region, the scary-looking stonefish possesses multiple surviving traits that make it qualify as a "fierce warrior fish".

Close-up view of colorful camouflaged stonefish hiding in the dead coral reef. /VCG photo

As its name "stonefish" implies, it looks similar to a rock or coral burying partially beneath the sand. The stonefish is usually in brown or gray color, with yellow, orange or red patches decorating on its surface, which enables it to seamlessly blend with surrounding rocks and coral.

With its capacity to camouflage, the stonefish often swims slowly or waits patiently before its prey come close. When the shrimps and fish enter its "attack zone", the stonefish will rapidly swim forward and snap open its jaws to swallow them. The whole process takes only 0.015 seconds.

A predatory stonefish lies camouflaged in the sandy seafloor. /VCG photo

In addition, the stonefish has toxic sacs on each one of its 13 spines, which crowns it as the world's venomous fish. However, the venom is purely defensive and not for preying, according to William Leo Smith, a scientist at the University of Kansas.

The venom is usually emitted when it is under attack by a predator or stepped on by human beings. There is often news mentioning swimmers stung by a stonefish in the rocky areas of the creek. The pain could range from swelling to paralysis, even heart failure or death.

Reef Stonefish. /VCG photo

Apart from its capacity to camouflage and the venom it produces, it has switchblades that called "lachrymal saber" underneath its eyes, which can flick out whenever there's a danger. If a larger predator intends to swallow a stonefish, it will flip the spines out to scare it off.

This venomous fish has a sharp spike coming from behind its eye. /VCG photo

Among all of its fancy stunts, the most amazing trait it enjoys would be the fact that it can survive up to 24 hours out of the water, which is quite stunning for fish. 

Reef Stonefish. /VCG photo

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