2019.05.11 10:57 GMT+8

Lovely plants for busy people

By Ding Qian

If you love to decorate your house with plants, but find yourself too occupied with work, studying and other stresses, this is a list of perfect plants for you! They are beautiful, easy to take care of and ask for nothing for return.


 Kalanchoe. /VCG Photo

The name of Kalanchoe comes from the Cantonese gālàahm choi. They are distributed in parts of Asia and Africa. It's a beautiful succulent flowering plant and was one of the first plants to be sent into space.

It's also quite popular because of its low water requirements and wide variety of colors.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant. /VCG Photo

A snake plant is one of the best houseplants as they can clean the air by removing toxins such as benzene. Even if you forget to water it for weeks, it will still look fresh.

The plant is also known as Sansevieria, or mother-in-law's tongue. If you are a frequent traveler or just too busy, this plant, which can thrive with low or medium light and little water, will suit you perfectly.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant. /VCG Photo

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a flowering plant that is native to Africa. It' mores commonly known as the ZZ or Zuzu plant.

The plant is quite drought tolerant and can grow in a place with low light. Besides, studies show ZZ plants can also be an air purifier in a home or office.

But be careful, the plant is toxic, so keep it away from pets and children, and always clean your hands after touching it.


 Lithops. /VCG Photo

Like other succulents, lithops don't need much water to grow. The plant, which is native to southern Africa, is known for its stone-like appearance. In order to survive and avoid being eaten, the plant blends in with surrounding rocks, earning the nickname of "living stones."

Lithops. /VCG Photo

The plant needs sufficient sunlight and well-drained soil, but not much watering. Too much water can cause the leaves to rot.


Lantana. /VCG Photo

Lantana is a colorful flowering plant that is native to tropical regions of African and the Americas. Place the plant in a sunny location with well-draining soil. It is easy to take care of and can tolerate dry conditions.

Lantana. /VCG Photo


Cactus. /VCG Photo

Talking about drought resistant plants, the most famous is definitely the cactus. Put it on a sunny windowsill and it will grow happily. It's an ideal plant for new hands. During spring and fall which are cactus' growth phases, water it weekly when the soil is dry to touch. If the soil is still moist, don't water is as it might cause the plant rot and die.

Christmas cactus

 Christmas cactus. /VCG Photo

The plant, also called Thanksgiving cactus, is a genus of cacti found in Brazil. The ends of the stems look like claws, meaning it's also called the crab cactus.

 Christmas cactus. /VCG Photo

Although it's named "cactus", the plant actually prefers cool places. If you want to prolong the blooms, keep the plant in a sunny location. But be careful, too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves. 

For more gardening tips:

Best flowers for dried arrangements

How to encourage a cactus to flower

Tips to take care of cut roses

Pretty plants that only need water to bloom

(Top image via VCG)

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