Culture & Sports
2018.10.06 18:45 GMT+8

Suzhou to host 7th China International Copyright Expo


The seventh China International Copyright Expo will be held from October 19 to 21 in Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, according to the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC).

With South Korea as the guest of honor, the expo is expected to attract more than 300 companies and organizations from around the world, the NCAC said in a statement.

The ancient architectures in Suzhou city, east China's Jiangsu Province. /VCG Photo

The expo, sponsored by the NCAC and organized by Jiangsu's provincial copyright administration and Suzhou's municipal government, will display the latest progress and encourage exchanges in the copyright industry so as to stimulate innovation, promote protection and advance development in the sector, the statement said.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the NCAC will also hold a ceremony during the expo to present the WIPO-NCAC Copyright Awards.

Source(s): Xinhua News Agency
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