2019.04.27 23:01 GMT+8

Role of think tanks, media in the BRI lauded

By Su Yuting

‍Think tanks have played a significant role in the construction of the Belt and Road, said President Xi Jinping in a recent congratulatory letter to the Belt and Road Studies Network.

One of the sub-forums at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation looked at the role of the media and various think tanks in promoting the massive international project.

Over 300 delegates from more than 60 countries and regions attended the sidebar event. Among them: several former Chinese and foreign dignitaries. Leaders from well-known think tanks and media organizations were also on-hand, along with senior executives of major enterprises that have participated in BRI projects.

Dr. Thilo Ketterer, Germany's certified public auditor of Rodl & Partner, talks with CGTN. /CGTN Photo

At the opening ceremony, Huang Kunming, head of the CPC Central Committee's Publicity Department, delivered a keynote speech. He fully acknowledged the important contributions think tanks and media play in researching and reporting on the BRI, and the joint pursuit of the initiative since the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

"I think, first of all, the Belt and Road have reached a point where it now needs more detailed research work and policy work across the world. What's needed is more policy and more intellectual activities about the initiative and relevant projects," said Huang.

"Think tanks like to think, and they analyzed, they researched, and one must always try to see what's coming down the line. Doesn't mean you have to do everything, doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but I think it really opens minds up to the world," said Shaukat Aziz, former prime minister of Pakistan, who also attended the forum and delivered a speech.

Martin Jacques, senior fellow of the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, talks with CGTN. /CGTN Photo

Open dialogues and in-depth exchanges were held around the theme of sharing human wisdom and participating in promoting global development. Many called the meeting a fruitful one, with efforts based on the BRI principles of extensive discussions, joint contributions, and shared benefits.

"Belt and Road has reached to the point where it needs now more detailed research work, policy work across the world to deepen it as you like and to provide it with an intellectual policy hinterland," said Martin Jacques, senior fellow of the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge.

Following the opening ceremony, delegates held talks at two parallel sessions on think tanks and media. They discussed topics on communicating and aligning the BRI's plans, jointly building a system of international rules, promoting an inclusive world economy that shares benefits, and jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Wang Huiyao, president of the Center for China and Globalization, talks with CGTN. /CGTN Photo

Many media representatives and leaders of global enterprises say these intellectual activities have boosted the development of the BRI to the point of being an intelligent public product for all.

The Belt and Road News Network's First Council Meeting was successfully held on Tuesday. It indicated substantial progress made in the construction of the Belt and Road News Network. 

Meanwhile, the Belt and Road Studies Network (BRSN) was founded Wednesday. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the meeting and the BRSN inauguration. With the platforms of academic exchange, cooperation and information sharing, BRI participants will turn ideas into actions, wisdom into ability, and constantly create and innovate to push Belt and Road international cooperation ahead for solid progress.

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