People get together on New York street to watch Manhattanhenge sunset

2018-07-13 22:04 GMT+8

1 / 4   The Manhattanhenge sunset comes once a year for a couple of days when the setting sun is precisely parallel to Manhattan's street grid. Light from the sunset on Thursday and Friday this week will run east to west with no blockage of the skyscrapers. /VCG Photo 


2 / 4   The term "Manhattanhenge" is attributed to astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and drew inspiration from Britain’s Stonehenge whose ancient structure highlights the sun in similar fashion during the winter and summer solstices. /VCG Photo 


3 / 4   People got together to take photos of the phenomenon at sunset in a New York City street on Thursday, and the last Manhattanhenge of 2018 will take place at 8:20 p.m. on Friday. /VCG Photo


4 / 4   Temperatures were expected to be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit both days with forecasters also predicting mostly clear skies with very little cloud cover. /VCG Photo

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