2018.08.28 20:33 GMT+8

Gabonese president: More direct investment from China is needed

By Tian Lin, Gao Shuo

Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba has called for more direct investment from China to his country. 

President Ondimba made the remarks during an exclusive interview with CGTN.

He said the Chinese government had provided a lot of help in constructing his country's infrastructure, but he hopes that Chinese companies can invest directly in Gabon now.

He made a promise that the Gabonese government will prioritize public-private partnerships. 

Ondimba added that for companies interested in direct investment, Gabon is preparing to set up a framework for cooperation, including a system of laws and regulations to make it easier for Chinese companies to conduct business in Gabon.

The inauguration ceremony of the China-Gabon Business Council is held in Beijing, China, Dec. 26, 2017. /VCG Photo

In the interview, Ondimba also emphasized that Gabon's economy is based on producing raw materials, so it is especially important for it to enter a new phase and develop a processing industry.

He mentioned that since the processing industry needs professional talent, investment in education and training has to increase, and the country's Chinese partners support this as well. 

Ondimba hopes to receive technology, knowledge and skills transfers from China.

Furthermore, Chinese enterprises can collaborate with their Gabonese counterparts in new and clean energy to develop a green economy, Ondimba said.

In December 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Ondimba in Beijing. During the meeting, the two leaders agreed to upgrade China-Gabon relations to a partnership of comprehensive cooperation.

China and Gabon have had a diplomatic relationship for over 40 years.

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