2018.09.09 22:27 GMT+8

China's top legislator meets Kim Jong Un, delivers letter from President Xi


China's top legislator Li Zhanshu met with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Pyongyang on Sunday. Li conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping's greetings to Kim and delivered him a letter from Xi. 

In the message, Xi said the people of the DPRK have attained remarkable achievements in the cause of socialist revolution and construction over the past 70 years.

"In recent years, Comrade Chairman has led your party and people into taking proactive measures in social and economic development and achieved important results, and the development of socialism in the DPRK has entered a new historical stage," Xi said in the letter, "I'm really pleased to see all this."

Read more: 

Xi sends congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Un as DPRK celebrates its 70th anniversary

He also hailed the traditional friendship, saying holding a good and consolidated bilateral relationship is an unswerving policy for China. 

Xi said his meetings with Kim earlier this year turned a new page for China-DPRK ties. He emphasized his willingness to work with Kim to better plan for and guide the bilateral relationship, and push for its further development.

Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, extended warm congratulations to Kim, saying that the 70th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK was a great event for the country and its people, and that Chinese President Xi has attached great importance to it. 

Li noted that this year is of special historic importance to China-DPRK relations. The three meetings between President Xi and Kim earlier this year have led bilateral relations into a new historic period, he said.

As President Xi's special envoy, Li also hoped his visit to the DPRK could strengthen high-level strategic communication between the two countries, and deepen cooperation across the board. 

Li also addressed the issue of the Korean Peninsula. He said China sticks firmly to the goal of denuclearization of the Peninsula, and settling tensions through dialogue and negotiation. 

Meanwhile, Kim vowed to carry forward the friendship between China and the DPRK, despite changes in the international arena. 

He said the DPRK is willing to learn from China's experience of economic development, and to deepen bilateral cooperation.

On the issue of the Korean Peninsula, Kim said the DPRK upholds the consensus reached between him and the American president during the summit in Singapore and has already taken relevant steps.

He called on the American side to reciprocate to push for the political settlement of the issue together with the DPRK. 

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