Papua New Guinea: A new gold mountain?
Updated 11:58, 05-Sep-2018
David Morris
Editor's note: David Morris is a diplomat currently based in China, a former Australian senior political adviser and Chair of the United Nations 2019 Asia Pacific Business Forum. The article reflects the author's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
It's a country many people haven't heard much about, but it is hosting the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders in November, including the leaders of China, Japan and the US. 
Located strategically between Southeast Asia and Australia, rich in resources and untapped opportunities, it's time to pay more attention to Papua New Guinea. 
Papua New Guinea is a land that some would say time forgot. A place of tropical forests and spectacular coral reefs, for most of its people it is a place largely untouched by economic development. 
It is a society of ancient cultures, including 850 languages amongst a population of only eight million. It's a young nation, independent since 1975 and has only this year begun to carve out a role in international relations, as chair of APEC for 2018.
Huli warrior in Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on August 19, 2007. /VCG Photo.

Huli warrior in Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on August 19, 2007. /VCG Photo.

Through its leadership of APEC, chairing important meetings of some of the world’s leading economies, Papua New Guinea ministers and officials have demonstrated professionalism as well as policy acumen over the last year.  
In a time of trans-Pacific trade tensions, they have guided difficult discussions on improving digital and other connectivity and deepening regional economic integration, while bringing sustainable and inclusive growth to the heart of the policy agenda.
There are deep and abiding links to its southern neighbor, Australia, which was given the mandate by the League of Nations after World War One to act as a colonial power and to bring Papua New Guinea to independence. 
The two countries have a special relationship including deep economic and strategic ties. Australia played a leading role in Papua New Guinea’s early resources projects, is the leading contributor of aid and no doubt will continue to be an important partner to the island country.
In recent years, though, the focus has all been on China.  Major new roads are being built, a rash of new buildings, airport and port construction all bear signs featuring China aid or Chinese companies. 
Investment from China reached almost 2 billion US dollars in 2017, along with bilateral trade of nearly 3 billion US dollars, making China the second largest economic partner for the nation, after Australia. Chinese loans have also become an important source of funding infrastructure.
On July 18, 2018, at the Moresby Port in Papua New Guinea, a Chinese worker and a Papua New Guinea worker were holding the flags of China and Papua New Guinea. /VCG Photo.

On July 18, 2018, at the Moresby Port in Papua New Guinea, a Chinese worker and a Papua New Guinea worker were holding the flags of China and Papua New Guinea. /VCG Photo.

Papua New Guinea has rich reserves of minerals. The biggest Chinese investment to date is by Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC), which has an 85 percent share of the 1.4 billion US dollars Ramu nickel-and-cobalt mine. In 2015, Zijin Mining Group bought a 50 percent share in Porgera gold mine.
In the next few years, Guangdong Rising Assets Management Company expects to develop the giant Frieda River mine, one of the largest undeveloped deposits of copper and gold in the world. 
Papua New Guinea has significant maritime resources, including seabed resources ready for exploitation, now that the technology to access them is becoming viable. 
In its Exclusive Economic Zone of 2.5 million square kilometers, the Pacific nation has vast fisheries, including 18 percent of the world's tuna. The nation can massively benefit from further development of fisheries, but progress has been slow.
Papua New Guinea is the world’s leading exporter of tropical timber and is China’s second largest source of timber imports.  Forestry accounts for nine percent of GDP and there is a growing downstream processing industry. 
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, capital of China, June 21, 2018./ Xinhua Photo

Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meets with Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, capital of China, June 21, 2018./ Xinhua Photo

It also has plenty of land for agriculture, mostly undeveloped, which could yield much more than the current successful crops of palm oil, coffee and cocoa. 
The traditional knowledge about low-tech, organic production makes it an ideal source of branded, pure source products and there is an amazing story to tell --archaeological evidence indicates settlers in the Highlands’ Kuk Valley were some of the first people in the world to develop agriculture.
And what about tourism with its spectacular scenery, pristine reefs for diving and rich diversity of cultures? These features should put Papua New Guinea on any adventurous traveler's bucket list.  The fact that it’s not -- apart from some hardy Australians who hike the wartime Kokoda Track -- can be blamed on law and order problems in the capital, Port Moresby, and some other large towns. 
But its government has an ambitious plan to bring tourists directly to the safe and spectacular islands to the northeast of the archipelago. Watch this space for the future development of Kokopo as a hub for tourists to experience a live volcano, cultural performances, swimming with dolphins, secluded island resorts and much more. The infrastructure (and direct flights) might be missing currently, but Chinese investors are already lining up.
Despite all the promise, though, Papua New Guinea faces huge challenges. At independence, the young nation had only a secondary education system and no road between its capital and any other center. Now its education levels have improved, its governance is stabilizing and infrastructure is being developed, but there is a long way to go. 
Papua New Guinea Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato (L) talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (not pictured) during their meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on April 13, 2018. /VCG Photo.

Papua New Guinea Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato (L) talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (not pictured) during their meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on April 13, 2018. /VCG Photo.

Perhaps the biggest challenge of all is some of the simplistic -- and at times jingoistic -- commentary that passes for geopolitical debate in the region. 
To be sure, the rise of China as a major player is spooking some who are uncomfortable with change. There are those who yearn for the supposed certainty of the past. 
Nevertheless, it is in everyone’s interests that Papua New Guinea, as well as its larger neighbors such as Australia and Indonesia, continue to develop pragmatic economic engagement with the region's leading economy.
China has the capacity, as both an investor and as a major market, to help drive new industry development in Papua New Guinea that can create greater opportunities for its people. 
As Prime Minister O’Neill points out, Australia has enormously benefited from trading with China, as well as investment and tourism from China. Why not Papua New Guinea?
(Cover Photo: China's Premier Li Keqiang speaks to Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill during a meeting in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, June 21, 2018. /VCG Photo)