2019.01.22 15:43 GMT+8

Wildlife of China: The clouded leopard

By Li Yunqi

‍In the tropical and subtropical forests in southern China, clouded leopards spend nearly all their lives in trees. This mysterious animal has rarely been spotted in the wild since it can hide perfectly up in the canopy.

General clouded leopard information. /CGTN Graphic

The clouded leopard is known for the beautiful dark cloud-shaped patterns on its greyish yellow coat. This beautiful pelt is also the reason why it has been hunted by humans in large numbers. A fur coat made by their pelt would require around 25 leopards.

A crouching baby clouded leopard. /VCG Photo

Despite its name, the clouded leopard is not closely related to leopard. It is a medium-sized cat with a tail the length of its body and it has short legs that lower its center of gravity, helping it to move steadily and swiftly on the trees.

A resting clouded leopard. /VCG Photo

The clouded leopard is an extraordinary climber and can walk vertically down a tree trunk effortlessly thanks to its big paws and strong claws. The long tail helps it to balance when walking on the trees. This ability is extremely rare in cats. It was also reported that a clouded leopard can hang upside-down from a branch.

A clouded leopard resting on a branch. /VCG Photo

The clouded leopard preys on smaller primates and rodents. Even though it has exceptionally large canines and is often referred to as a "modern-day saber-tooth", it rarely hunts for prey that are larger than its own size.

Closeup of the face of a clouded leopard. /VCG Photo

Hunting and forest degradation on a massive scale have become the biggest threat to the clouded leopard. Nowadays, it is suspected that there are less than 10,000 of the animal globally.

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