China-BRI immigration: New measure to ease flow of talent and visitors
Updated 17:10, 28-Apr-2019
Wei Diqi
As the Second Belt and Road Forum draws to a close, the Chinese government is implementing new immigration measures to make it easier for talent and visitors of Belt and Road countries to entry and exit from China, the State Immigration Administration introduced at a press conference Sunday earlier. 
According to Qu Yunhai, the deputy director of the State Immigration Administration, to promote people-to-people exchanges between BRI countries, they have established a "Belt and Road" channel at the border in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on, to speed up inspection procedures. 
They also provide application services for companies engaged in the BRI, saving their time on the application process. Aside from this, the Chinese government has shortened the number of visa processing days from 15 working days to five working days for those who need express services. 
These new measures aim to help China establish a more efficient environment for Belt and Road countries, further promoting people-to-people exchanges and trade expansion.