2019.03.16 07:26 GMT+8

CGTN Belt and Road Essay Contest: Share your story


China Global Television Network (CGTN) wants to hear your personal story about the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China's signature international cooperation and connectivity project.

Specifically, we'd like to know what the program means for your country or your life. How has the BRI made a difference and which aspects impress you most? What changes has it brought to you, your family or your friends?

No matter where you are in the world, or no matter the color of your passport, we want to read your essay about Belt and Road cooperation.

Theme: Belt and Road – My Story

What does the BRI mean to you? Use your experience as inspiration for your essay.


1. Essays may be submitted by anyone above 18 years old (as of April 5, 2019) who is a resident of a Belt and Road country.

2. Essays must be 800 words or less in English, excluding title.

3. Entries must be submitted by email.

4. Entries must include:

(1) Your name (2) gender (3) nationality (4) phone number (5) title of the essay.

*Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered.

*We are unable to confirm receipt of essays.

5. Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarized entries will be rejected.

6. Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.

7. Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to CGTN.


Submissions open on March 15, 2019, and close at midnight GMT on April 5, 2019.


A selected number of submissions will be published on the CGTN website (www.cgtn.com) and will be awarded in cash.

1st Prize: Certificate, prize of 5,000 Yuan – 3 entrants

2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of 3,000 Yuan – 5 entrants

3rd Prize: Certificate and gift – 8 entrants

*We are unable to answer individual inquiries concerning contest results.

Mail: Please submit your entries to the following email address: bri.competition@cgtn.com

Winners will be notified by April 16, 2019. 

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