2018 SIFF: Review of Chinese film ‘Xiao Hua’
"Xiao Hua," which was filmed in 1979 and based on the novel "Tongbai Hero," tells the story of a separated brother and sister reuniting in wartime.
This movie won multiple awards in China, including the prestigious Hundred Flowers Awards for Best Feature Film, the Outstanding Film Award by the country’s Ministry of Culture, and many more.
The film is regarded as a depiction of the reform and opening-up initiative in China.
Our CGTN reporter asked Shi Chuan, a professor at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, about his thoughts on this Chinese classic.
"For our generation, what impressed us most was this film," said Shi Chuan. "Because many details in the film made us feel like a new era was arriving." 
File: Still photo from the movie "Xiao Hua." /Mtime Photo

File: Still photo from the movie "Xiao Hua." /Mtime Photo

The film used electronic music as background music, a technique that was introduced from Japan and other Western countries. Shi told CGTN that this meant that “a new technology started coming out at that time."
Besides, the film used "rotating motion" to express a character's excitement. "This skill, the rotating motion was also a new thing at that time," Shi said.
"Looking back now, people may feel the technique of this film was rough and crude, but 40 years ago, we thought that it was a trailblazer," Shi said.
Many hope that the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Chinese film industry in general will better express the Chinese spirit, values, and power.