Lessons men in China are learning to find 'Mrs. Right'
Ty Lawson
‍‍‍Young men in China are now faced with the harsh reality that their likelihood of remaining single could be inevitable.
According to government reports, there are currently about 33.6 million more men than women in China looking for love, many of whom are sparing no expense trying to find “Mrs. Right.”
This dilemma is forcing single men all across China to ramp up their dating skills to stand out from the crowd.
“By reading some articles and books online about pickup artists, it helped me solve my own problems,” Zhang Mindong, the founder of “Fall in Love Emotional Education” school, told CGTN Digital when we visited him in the eastern Chinese city of Jinan. “I realized I can help more people by telling them what I learned. Gradually, I got more students.”
Zhang Mindong (R), founder of a Jinan-based dating school, is helping a student select clothing for his style makeover. /CGTN Digital

Zhang Mindong (R), founder of a Jinan-based dating school, is helping a student select clothing for his style makeover. /CGTN Digital

He said he started the school after going through a painful breakup in 2015.
Business is booming for Zhang and others all across the country as young men are taking matters into their own hands trying to find love.

Learn a lesson

“I want to find a girlfriend, but I’ve always lacked the confidence to talk to girls,” Sun Wenxuan told CGTN Digital. “I want to learn more techniques for how to understand and talk to girls as well as how to deal with relationships.”
Single guys like Sun are flocking to the school, where they are being taught how to groom themselves, approach women, and finesse their way into a woman’s mobile contacts.                 
“They’re from all parts of China. Most of them come to us wanting to find a girlfriend. But they all have some problems,” Zhang said. “They all bring their problems to us.”     
There are currently around 10,000 students enrolled in Zhang’s classes online and offline, but Jinan is not the only city in China where young men are lining up to learn about love.

A tale of two cities 

In Beijing, scores of single men are enrolling in one of the capital city's many dating schools.
“I started to share my experience and thoughts with small groups online. Gradually, the business became bigger and bigger,” Cui Yi, a Beijing-based dating coach who goes by the name of Moka, told CGTN Digital.
The Shenzhen native said that over the years, he has helped nearly 9,000 students online and offline find love, with about 20 percent of them getting married.
Cui Yi (standing), a Beijing-based dating coach, is giving students a lecture on dating during a recent workshop. /CGTN Digital 

Cui Yi (standing), a Beijing-based dating coach, is giving students a lecture on dating during a recent workshop. /CGTN Digital 

“I came because my girlfriend wanted to break up,” Chengdu resident Wang Hong told CGTN Digital. “I didn’t get her back, but Moka made me realize what I did wrong in our relationship and I learned more about myself.”
Wang said he traveled more than 1,800 kilometers from China’s southwestern Sichuan Province to participate in the Beijing workshop.
Even the Chinese government is working to address the dating dilemma single men are facing.
Last summer, the Communist Youth League, a part of the Communist Party of China, played matchmaker by hosting a mass speed dating event in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province.
“We live in an era where we don’t interact with others that much. We spend most of our time on the internet,” Cui said. “We’ve become more and more isolated and don’t even know how to interact with others or be in a relationship.”
A student in Jinan putting his dating tips to use trying to get a girl to add him to her WeChat contacts. /CGTN Digital

A student in Jinan putting his dating tips to use trying to get a girl to add him to her WeChat contacts. /CGTN Digital

School of Love

Issues like these have single guys scrambling for instruction on self-presentation.
“I want to be more mature and look like a grown man. I look like a high school boy right now,” Anhui Province native Zhang Lekang told CGTN Digital. 
Cui said nothing is overlooked when assessing clients and their concerns.
“You have to find out exactly what your customer wants.  What’s their core issue? What problem they need to have solved,” he said.
Cui said students must not only listen to his advice but also use it in regards to how much they change their appearance and use the techniques learned.
Students listening to their dating coach during a recent single guys workshop in Beijing. /CGTN Digital 

Students listening to their dating coach during a recent single guys workshop in Beijing. /CGTN Digital 

Both schools told CGTN Digital that a big part of their students’ success relies on the initial goals that are set for each of them. 

Practice makes perfect

Zhang offers his students what he calls the most important advice.
“First, if you want to date a woman, you don’t chase her, you attract her,” Zhang told CGTN Digital.  “Number two, improve yourself, and third, enrich your life experiences.”
He said the key to improving yourself is in your appearance and style.
We witnessed students at both schools undergo significant changes that included getting new looks.
Once the students are dressed to impress, it’s time to put their classroom lessons to practice.
Single guys attending a dating workshop in Jinan, China /CGTN Digital 

Single guys attending a dating workshop in Jinan, China /CGTN Digital 

In a crowded area of downtown Jinan, the students got their first assignment: approach women and ask for their WeChat contact.
WeChat is a key part of most social interactions in China. Nearly 1 billion people use the social media tool for everything from buying a latte to flirting with someone nearby.
One of the eager students tried his luck but was turned down.
Beijing students did not fare much better. Inside a busy shopping mall, some of the singles were hoping to use their newfound swagger to spark a love connection but ended up striking out. 

The reason being

Many experts say China's dating conundrum is deeply rooted in the favoring of males due to social and economic factors. They said it is a result of the country's one-child policy, which was overturned in 2015, though its effects will last decades more.
A student in Beijing putting his dating tips to use trying to get a girl to add him to her WeChat contacts /CGTN Digital 

A student in Beijing putting his dating tips to use trying to get a girl to add him to her WeChat contacts /CGTN Digital 

Some critics think that instead of calling single women in China over the age of 27 "leftover," the term should be directed at single men.
The gender imbalance is making it hard for many men to find a partner – and the gap is likely to widen. Researchers project that by 2030, more than a quarter of Chinese men in their 30s will not be married.
People’s Daily reported that according to China’s health yearbook, from 1971 to 2012, 270 million cases of artificial abortions were registered, excluding the considerable amount of medical abortions.
These staggering statistics have many fearful of what the future holds for single men in China.
Health authorities have launched campaigns each year to clamp down on illegal prenatal gender tests and sex-selective abortions.

Bare branches

A student attending a dating workshop in Jinan had a photo shoot as part of his style makeover. /CGTN Digital

A student attending a dating workshop in Jinan had a photo shoot as part of his style makeover. /CGTN Digital

“The state is especially worried about the millions of surplus men in China,” Xuan Li, assistant professor of psychology at NYU Shanghai said.  “Typically rural and impoverished, these unwed men – upset 'bare branches' who are not able to add offshoots to their family tree – are considered a threat to social stability because of the financial, social and sexual frustration they face.”
Many single guys in China are now hoping their “bare branches” reap the benefits of their hard labor, recognizing exactly what they have to do.
“The way you look, the way you see the world, the way you live and your horizon all largely influence who you are as a man,” student Liang Yongfeng said.
(Video shot & edited by Danni Zhu)

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