Tech & Sci
2019.01.07 16:34 GMT+8

Snow-covered desert of China's Gansu Province


These incredible photos show massive sand dunes covered in a white layer of snow in the Badain Jaran Desert near Zhangye City, northwest China's Gansu Province.

A mesmerizing view of the Badain Jaran Desert after snowfall in Zhangye, northwest China's Gansu Province. /VCG Photo

Covering a total area of 49,000 square kilometers, the Badain Jaran Desert spans Gansu Province, as well as the Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions, and is the third largest desert in China.Previous

An aerial view of the Badain Jaran Desert's "latte" texture. /VCG Photo

The snow blends with the sand harmoniously. /VCG Photo

The scattering snow creates mysterious "symbols". /VCG Photo

The diverse landscape attracts many tourists and photographers. /VCG Photo

The desert is home to some of the tallest stationary dunes on the Earth, with some reaching a height of more than 500 meters. 

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