Discover the mysterious beauty of Zimbabwe from July
Updated 14:20, 05-Jul-2018
She Jingwei
Still trying to find somewhere to spend the holidays? Now Zimbabwe has implemented the visa-on-arrival system for Chinese tourists from July 1, bringing more travel opportunities for Chinese people. Just follow the footsteps of CGTN as we would recommend some local tourist attractions for you to enjoy the great mystery of this country.  
Zimbabwe has considered China to be friendly partner for a long time as it was historically the first foreign nation to adopt the Chinese yuan as its international currency. It is arguably that China’s long-term close ties with Zimbabwe has contributed to the relaxation of this travel restriction.
Herd of elephants with young animals in Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Herd of elephants with young animals in Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a waterfall, which lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River in southern Africa. With a length of one kilometer and a height of more than hundred meters, it is regarded as one of the world’s largest falls and listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
What's interesting about Victoria Falls is that the water level in the Zambezi River might drop sharply during the dry seasons, making it possible for visitors to walk through some parts of the waterfall. And the spectacular view of the fall always offers tourists the great travel experience, even more so when a rain bow appears. 
Aerial views of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. / VCG Photo 

Aerial views of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. / VCG Photo 

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins

The Great Zimbabwe Ruins are the largest ruins situated in the heart of southern Africa. Built during the 11th century by the Shona people’s ancestors, some huts and constructions here have particularly spectacular views. Tourists have the opportunity to explore the great mystery of this place and learn the long history behind this world heritage site. 
In particular, the unique and huge granite and dry-stone walls look stunning at sunset, which also brings more photographers here to take photos.
Great Zimbabwe Ruins at sunset, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Great Zimbabwe Ruins at sunset, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Matobo National Park

Noted as one of the highlights of Zimbabwe and known as home to the great majestic scenery in the world, the Matobo National Park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The stunning balancing rocks known as kopjes are famous throughout the world. After visiting here, you would definitely understand why Matobo is considered as the Zimbabwe’s spiritual home. 
Mother and child, balancing rock formation from weathered granite, Matobo National Park (UNESCO World Heritage List, 2003), Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Mother and child, balancing rock formation from weathered granite, Matobo National Park (UNESCO World Heritage List, 2003), Zimbabwe. /VCG Photo

Apart from China, Zimbabwe has already carried out visa-on-arrival to other countries all over the world such as Bolivia, Nepal and Iran.