Well-preserved bones of an ancient whale with four legs has been found in Peru. Detailed findings of the fossil were published on Thursday in the journal Current Biology. /VCG Photo
The fossil which dates back to 42.6 million years ago makes the whale the oldest ever found in this part of the world and the most complete skeleton found outside India and Pakistan. /VCG Photo
The creature, with a 4-meter-long body, is believed to be an early form of whale that had not fully transitioned to living in water. Researchers believe it could help understand how the whale had evolved and spread. The team which found the fossil named it "Peregocetus pacificus," which means "the traveling whale that reached the Pacific." /VCG Photo
03:31, 28-Mar-2025
07:24, 28-Mar-2025
15:21, 28-Mar-2025
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