2019.03.14 16:26 GMT+8

Decoding Brexit: What will happen next?

Nayan Seth and Li Jingyi

The UK Parliament's rejection of a no-deal Brexit has opened a series of possibilities. After both Theresa May's deal and no-deal Brexit all have been rejected, there will be several courses of action in the coming days and months.

The UK Parliament has made it clear: they oppose the Prime Minister's deal but are not in favor of a no-deal scenario, either.

This leads us to a third and the most significant of the votes. That is, delay Brexit. 

So what's likely to happen now? Here are some possibilities.

On Thursday, UK MPs will vote for a third consecutive day to decide whether or not a Brexit delay is required. If they vote down this proposal too, the UK would be staring at a no-deal Brexit on March 29, despite MPs having already rejected it.

Another possible outcome could be a third vote on Theresa May's deal. Analysts believe MPs are not expected to reject this vote, as it would directly undermine their own stand on a no-deal Brexit. But a positive vote could result in challenging the entire Brexit decision itself, and would open the Brexit Pandora's box all over again.

So, we are looking at six scenarios which would tie the complex Brexit process up in knots. 

First, a future vote on May's deal, which would depend upon what the European Union (EU) could offer the UK during the extension period. Second, renegotiation, which the EU already has ruled out. Then there are more desperate measures like a second referendum. The Labour Party backs a second vote, but it would challenge the 2016 referendum.

Next, May could call fresh elections to get a political mandate for her deal, but the 2017 polls indicate that elections do not really solve the Brexit puzzle. There is also a possibility of another no-confidence vote, which could well plunge the UK into political chaos. 

And finally, a unilateral no-Brexit decision by the May government could just end the entire process and turn the clock back.

Observers say the present situation is unprecedented. Thom Brooks from Dean of Durham Law School said that he has never seen such a “political crisis” like this before, not in the thousand years of its history.

A delay or not? The Brexit saga is far from over.

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