Cartoon figures revive farm
Updated 20:50, 24-Jul-2018
This farm in east China’s Anhui Province has become popular through placing cartoon figures in their fields. /VCG Photo

This farm in east China’s Anhui Province has become popular through placing cartoon figures in their fields. /VCG Photo

Farmers in Xitou county have made their routine a bit more fun. They have designed a Peppa Pig patch and a Hello Kitty patch in their paddy field. /VCG Photo

Farmers in Xitou county have made their routine a bit more fun. They have designed a Peppa Pig patch and a Hello Kitty patch in their paddy field. /VCG Photo

The farmers needed to measure the size of each field before putting their designs in place. /VCG Photo

The farmers needed to measure the size of each field before putting their designs in place. /VCG Photo

Overgrown plants need to be pruned daily in order to keep the cartoon characters patches in shape. /VCG Photo

Overgrown plants need to be pruned daily in order to keep the cartoon characters patches in shape. /VCG Photo