Culture & Sports
2018.08.24 13:58 GMT+8

Italian star striker Mario Balotelli turns down offer from China


Italy international Mario Balotelli has confirmed during an interview with OGC Nice TV that he had turned down a lucrative offer from the Chinese Super League and will stay at Nice.

“I had a big offer of money from China, very big. I said no. Not for now. I love to play football and I think that my objective is that these two years are very important, because I want to play the European Championships with my national team," Balotelli said.

"If I go to China, that would be difficult. That’s also why I, not refuse, but prefer to wait to go to China. Because I love to play football. Money… will come later,” he added. 

According to ESPN, Nice announced earlier this week that the former AC Milan and Manchester City star would remain at the club for a third successive season after having been expected to leave this summer.

"To be honest, where we finished last year, I had the intention to leave and the club knew it. At the end of the last season no, I wouldn’t have imagined that I would be here," Balotelli told OGC Nice TV.

"I decided to stay because the atmosphere has always been good, my life here has been good, the club is good, teammates are good, I find myself very good over here. I have one more year, so in the end, I decided to stay. 

"It is my choice because, first of all nobody tells me what to do, I do what I want and I do what I feel is right. Always respecting everyone, but the final decision in my career is always mine.

"I had 5 offers. Concrete. And I waited, waited… and in the end I decided to stay, but I guarantee that I could have left very easily. I spoke with the President and Patrick (Vieira), the proposition they gave me was good. 

"I spoke to my agent and I said to him: I am staying for another season," he concluded. 

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