2019.01.27 18:12 GMT+8

Animal fights: the strength of the largest cat species on Earth

By Ding Qian

The law of the jungle demands that you kill or be killed. Not just between predators and their preys, but the animals of the same species also fight for food, territory, and bloodline.

Today, our eyes are on tigers, the largest cat species on the Earth.

 CGTN Infographic‍

As an apex predator, tigers often require large contiguous areas of habitat that can provide enough prey. To identify their territory, the tigers mark trees by spraying urine or scratching with their claws. 

If their territories are encroached upon, male tigers are usually less tolerant than females. Such disputes usually get solved by displays of intimidation. However, when an estrous female is involved, male tigers engage in serious combat that may result in the death of one male tiger.

Here are some shots of fighting tigers. 

Tigers. /VCG photo

Splashing tigers. /VCG Photo

Tigers fighting in the snow. /VCG photo

Tigers. /VCG photo

Tigers fighting in the snow. /VCG Photo

Tigers. /VCG Photo

Tigers fighting in water. /VCG Photo

Tigers fighting in water. /VCG Photo

Tigers. /VCG Photo

Besides fighting with other tigers, they are also tough hunters. In order to kill their prey, they will try to suffocate them by clamping down on their necks. A tiger can kill animals of a much larger size. Therefore, they are considered a symbol of courage and strength in many cultures. 

(Top Image: The strength of the largest cat species on the Earth. /VCG Photo)

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