A rare, beautiful and mysterious mandarin duck was spotted chilling in a pond in NYC's Central Park. Native to East Asia, no one knows how it got there. The colorful bird has become a "celebrity duck" as large crowds flock to the park in a frenzy to catch a glimpse of it. /VCG Photo
Glowing in the somber autumn sunlight, the brightly-colored bird flaunts more than 10 shades on its feathers, including red, sapphire, and dark green. Pictures of New Yorkers' "new favorite bird" have gone viral on social media platforms. /VCG Photo
Mandarin ducks are commonly found in China, Japan and occasionally some parts of Europe, but are rarely seen in North America. People originally speculated that the duck might have escaped from a local zoo, but it seems more likely an escapee from New Jersey, according to CNN’s report. /Weibo Photo via @NewYorkRealEstate
Since there is no female mandarin duck in the park to cross-breed, it has been named "New York's most eligible bachelor" by New York Magazine. /VCG Photo
The park authorities have publicly stated that they would not intervene with the duck unless it gets injured and needs medical care. /VCG Photo