Chinese TCM firm in hot water over expired honey use
Updated 19:57, 19-Dec-2018
A supplier of Tong Ren Tang, the largest producer of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), recycled a large amount of expired and near-expired honey with the Tong Ren Tang label, according to Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation on Saturday. 
A staff member of supplier Yancheng Golden Bee Food Technology Co. claimed that the honey would be returned to beekeepers to raise bees. However, a video released by Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation showed that the recycled honey was sent to the raw material warehouse at the factory. 
In addition, the Market Regulatory Department of Binhai County in Yancheng City said that they had also found the company misconduct related to the tampering of Tong Ren Tang honey production dates. 
Tong Ren Tang responded with an apology on Saturday, admitting that the company itself has inadequate supervision. All the products involved had been sealed up and Tong Ren Tang would coordinate with regulatory authorities to conduct further investigations, said the company's statement.