Korean Mu Chong, a hero in China’s Long March - shunned at home
Updated 10:18, 28-Jun-2018
Mu Chong is one of a handful of foreigners who took part in and finished China’s 12,500-km military trek, the Long March (1934 – 1936), carried out by the Red Army. Although Mu Chong was born in Korea, he was a member of the Communist Party of China and enjoyed high level of prestige as a military officer.
Mu Chong

Mu Chong

His talents and military skills, especially in artillery warfare, catapulted him to high ranks in the nascent Red Army.
The acclaimed officer also integrated artillery capabilities within the Communist Party Eighth Route Army, one of the fighting forces against the Japanese in North China.
However, not long after Mu Chong headed home after the Japanese were expelled out of Korea, then-leader Kim Il Sung denounced him for insubordination. He then returned to China where he passed away in 1951.