Iraqi forces retake more ground in west Mosul district
By Deng Junfang

2017-06-13 08:19 GMT+8

6242km to Beijing

By CGTN’s Tony Cheng

Iraqi forces captured more ground in Mosul, edging closer to retaking the last enclaves held by ISIL. And the militant group has been expelled from a town just south of the major offensive.

Iraqi armor rolled through the streets of the west Mosul Zanjili district, the latest section of the city to be retaken by security forces.

Iraqi elite Rapid Response Division members take a break inside a building in Mosul's western Al-Shifa district on June 12, 2017. /VCG Photo

“Morale of our troops is high and their willingness to fight is strong, and that is why they are making good progress in a record time, and this is an important thing. ISIL is collapsing and we have to make use of it and finish the task assigned to us,” said Lt. General Qassem Al-Maliki of the Iraqi 9th armored division.

About 100,000 civilians remain trapped in ISIL territory, facing a dilemma to stay in a city facing starvation and heavy bombardment or to flee and risk getting caught in the crossfire

 “Yesterday, they were shooting at them and they crossed here. Today, as they are fleeing, they are not getting shot at. Now they are not getting shot at. That’s because the Iraqi army has pushed ISIL back,” said Dave Eubanks, an aid volunteer.

A civilian raises his hands to the sky as he and others stand among debris near the frontline in western Mosul, Iraq June 12, 2017. /VCG Photo

Syrian State TV reported on Sunday that ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed in an airstrike in their stronghold Raqqa. Those reports are unconfirmed.

The Pentagon said that it believes Baghdadi is still alive but there were few places for ISIL’s leader to hide. The city where he made his only public appearance was paying a price to be rid of his fighters.
