Overfed Thai monkey to get treatment for obesity

2017-04-29 15:00 GMT+8
Editor Zhu Yingmin
An obese monkey who has become an internet sensation after seemingly getting hooked on scraps fed to him at a market in Bangkok, Thailand has been checked into the primate equivalent of boot camp to help him lose some weight.
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The 20-year-old long-tailed macaque seems to be quite popular among tourists in the Bang Khun Thian district, who have been feeding him everything from melons to milkshakes to noodles day in and day out. Now the big eater nicknamed “Uncle Fatty” weighs 15 kilograms, twice that of a normal long-tailed macaque.
Seeing the pictures posted online, primate conservation group Monkey Lovers went to the market on Thursday to check on Uncle Fatty's health. “He’s not sick, he just needs helps. He likes eating and there are lots of visitors who give him food all day," said the group's Kawinoat MongKholtechaphat.
Kawinoat added that Uncle Fatty was a leader to younger monkeys, teaching them how to climb trees, swim and survive. But the roly-poly senior will not be able to continue in this role much longer if he keeps eating.
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To avoid this, the Thai Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has now transferred him to a wildlife rescue center. 
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At the center, Uncle Fatty will soon start a program including running sessions with other animals and a lighter diet to hopefully cut his weight by half and allow him to roam in more comfort again.
In China, animals in zoos and scenic spots also face overfeeding from tourists. A zoo in Shanghai has thus installed a device that senses human movement near monkeys' living areas. When the infrared sensor is tripped, the system sounds off a warning not to feed the animals.
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