Splish, splash! Respite from scorching hot weather in India

2017-05-15 08:58 GMT+8
Editor Li Jing

Children splashed about in water, a refreshing respite to hot summer weather in the Indian capital of New Delhi on May 14, as temperatures soared to above 44 degrees Celsius in some parts of the city. /CFP Photo

New Delhi recorded its hottest temperature of the season last week with the mercury hitting 44.1 degrees Celsius. The hot weather is expected to persist for a couple of days. /CFP Photo

Temperatures around 45 degrees Celsius are not new in India, but it is unusual for this time of year, with the scorching hot weather coming a month earlier than usual. /CFP Photo

Due to hot temperatures, the price of milk, eggs and chicken in India have shown marked increases recently. /CFP Photo

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