The Chinese Foreign Ministry says an investigation is now underway into the accident that led to the sinking of the Sanchi oil tanker. At a briefing, the ministry also discussed efforts being made to mitigate the effects of the incident. Take a listen.
LU KANG CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESPERSON "After the Sanchi accident, China conducted multiple rounds of search and rescue work. Chinese rescue workers went aboard and found the black box of the oil tanker before its final explosion. We have maintained effective communication with authorities in Iran and Bangladesh. The Chinese Embassy in Iran swiftly issued visas to the rescue workers sent by Iran. The Chinese Rescue Command Center also made special arrangements for them to ensure effective collaboration between the two sides. Furthermore, we also joined efforts with rescue teams from South Korea and Japan. We express sympathy and condolences towards families of the victims. And we pay tribute and thanks to all rescue workers who displayed bravery and professionalism in the process. The investigation is still ongoing. With the black box, we believe we will find the exact reason for the accident."