Yunnan official goes undercover to expose tourism malpractices
By Li Yezi

2017-02-24 14:22:07

‍Chen Shun, new vice governor of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, has reportedly exposed travel agencies’ malpractices in the province by personally carrying out an undercover investigation disguising as a tourist.
His action follows a large number of complaints about illegal tactics travel groups make use of in order to squeeze money out of tourists – a common practice that has smudged the name of Yunnan.
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Chen was quoted by People’s Daily as saying he was shocked by the strategies of the tour operators who “accompany” tourists to shops to make sure that each one of them is forking out enough money to meet the agents’ certain “quota.”
He spoke of a “one on one” service where tour guides personally oversee a tourist’s purchase, pressuring them to splurge some more.
“How bold they (tour guides) were! We had old people and youngsters in that group!” Chen was quoted as saying.
Chen Shun/CFP Photo
Such unethical behavior is just the tip of the iceberg as questionable practices have dogged tourism agencies in the province, including setting up deals with shop owners to arrange visits in exchange for commission.
Organized stop-offs are integral parts of packaged group tours in China, but itineraries are often suspicious.
Tourism is the backbone of the province’s economy, which lures Chinese as well as foreigners with its pristine nature and cultural attractions.
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However, the reputation of the province has been mired with a slew of complaints as well as videos that went viral showing tour guides bulldozing tourists into spending more.
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In 2015, a tour guide, identified as Chen Chunyan, was caught on tape verbally abusing her tour group for not being generous enough during a shopping stop. She questioned their “morals” and “conscience,” and warned them that Karma “will come and get you,” if they failed to be more lavish.
According to People’s Daily’s travel section on complaints, of 797 complaints received in 2016, 317 involved Yunnan – showing the scale of frustration of Chinese tourists who are being repelled from the attractive province by greedy tour agents.