Poll shows Macron’s party on course for landslide victory in parliamentary election
By Chen Shi

2017-06-09 15:47 GMT+8

8226km to Beijing

France is heading to the polls again on Sunday. Just over a month after electing Emmanuel Macron as their president, French citizens are will now vote for a new parliament. 

A poll on June 18 showed that Macron’s party would go on to win around 385-415 seats out of 577 in the lower house of parliament, which shows a solid lead over other parties.

Macron needs to secure a strong majority in France's National Assembly in order to push through his ambitious agenda of labor, welfare and education reforms. However, getting a strong majority is no easy task for Macron's fledgling party. 

Recent polls do indicate that La Republique En Marche will secure the most votes, in its first participation in a parliamentary election.  But with so many of its candidates being unknown to voters and inexperienced, the outcome remains far from certain.
