In the year of 1934, a heated battle was fought on this peaceful mountain as thousands of Red Army soldiers gave their lives to break free from the pursuit of overwhelming Kuomintang forces.
Among them was Xun Huaizhou, a gifted young military commander who ensured the army’s safe retreat.
Xun joined the Red Army at the age of 15 and soon proved his exceptional military skills in combat. By 21, he became the commanding officer of the Red Army’s 7th legion, and led his troops north to divert enemy forces surrounding the Red Army’s base of operation.
Severely lacking in guns and ammunition, Xun still managed to achieve great success in guerilla warfare.
“Xun was brave and he was able to achieve victory. He’s good at quick maneuvers. He fought deep behind enemy lines and the Kuomintang still couldn't catch him.”
In order to eliminate him as a threat, the enemy rounded up its most elite forces in the region and pushed Xun’s army into a desperate position. Facing annihilation, Xun valiantly led the charge time and time again until his army broke the enemy’s siege. Xun suffered a fatal wound to his stomach, however, and died on a stretcher during the retreat.
Xun was buried near the battlefield after his passing. Chen Yi, one of the founding fathers of the New China, wrote his epitaph to commemorate his bravery and sacrifice for the Chinese people.