China Model: Democratic Centralism: Dominating principle of the CPC
Many mechanisms help ensure the Party's development. One example is Democratic centralism. It is at the heart of the CPC. Here's a brief introduction on what this principle means in practice.
Democratic centralism is a basic principle applied in the organization building and decision-making of the CPC. Under this principle, party members can exercise their rights to recommend and elect delegates and participate in politics within the party. Delegates are elected through the combined will of the leaders and electors after delicate consideration and argument, in order to select candidates that are widely representative of all within the party. Leading bodies of the CPC, which refers to the Party's congresses and committees at all levels, are formed through democratic election.
Democratic centralism is also a decision-making model. Going through thorough democratic discussion, all decisions should be made collectivity -- not by an individual. No major decisions are made until all members in the decision-making body achieve consensus.