"Looking China" is a short film series made by a group of young film directors from over 20 countries. They traveled to various places across China, making films and exploring Chinese culture with the help of students from local universities.
Screengrab shows a client making tea in a tea house in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
If you really understand the meaning of the great and special religion, Buddhism, you might feel the “Zen” sensation hidden in the mountains in east China’s Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, where there is a sea of tea.
This short film is a travel into the life of tea-making, from the tea gardens to the tea market, and to traditional and modern tea houses, where the meaning of drinking tea changes the whole meaning of life and contemplation.
Screengrab shows a monk tasting tea in a tea house in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
A master of Zen sits in nature and closes his eyes to contemplate inner peace, accompanied by just the taste of tea to clean his mind and heart.
Watch the short film by Luisa Mendez, a young director from Mexico’s Abierta Interamericana University, to learn more about the Zen art in tea drinking.