North China’s Hukou Waterfall melts as spring begins

2017-02-18 20:50 GMT+8 668km to Beijing
Editor Zhao Hong
By CGTN's Hu Chao
Located along the Yellow River, at the intersection of northern China’s Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces, the Hukou Waterfall is the world's largest yellow waterfall and the second largest waterfall of any kind in China. 
As spring came, the rising temperature has melted the frozen Hukou Waterfall, bringing back the spectacular view over the cliff. Mist created by the waterfall is all over the place and rainbows can sometimes be seen when it’s a sunny day. Now the Hukou Waterfall is attracting more and more tourists.
The Hukou's beauty varies depends on what the angle you view it at. /CGTN Photo
Officials of the Hukou Waterfall Scenic Spot say the Hukou Waterfall has reached over 20 meters high recently, and the water flow has reached about 300 cubic meters per second. As the temperature is climbing, the upstream frozen part of the Yellow River will melt, bringing more water flow to the Hukou Waterfall in the next couple of weeks.
Water flow of the Yellow River is increasing as the weather gets warm. /CGTN Photo
Officials of the Hukou Waterfall Scenic Spot also say that the spring flood season of the Yellow River will come in March and the water flow of the Hukou Waterfall will then reach up to 1,500 cubic meters per second, creating an even more impressive and breathtaking view comprised of a huge waterfall at the center and some small waterfalls alongside.  
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