AIIB and World Bank finance project to create a slum-free Indonesia
By Li Tianfu

2017-05-10 15:00 GMT+8

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Indonesia has around 3,000 slum areas with a total size of 34,000 hectares. Living in areas with no clean water and sanitation is the norm for almost 10 million people across the country. But that is all about to change. 
The Indonesian government has now set an ambitious plan to make the country slum-free by 2019, through the National Slum Upgrading Project. The project aims to improve access to urban infrastructure and living conditions in targeted slums in more than 150 cities.
The initiative is financed by multiple sources, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and World Bank, each of which is contributing 216 million US dollars to the project. Experts are optimistic that a zero-slum Indonesia can be achieved.