19th CPC National Congress: Xi Jinping Thought a new guiding principle in party constitution
One of the highlights of this National Party Congress is the amendment to the party constitution. This conference has enshrined "Xi Jinping's Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" as the supreme guiding principle. CGTN reporter Han Bin talked to a professor from the Party School, who's been following the history of the charter changes.
The next generation of the world's largest political party. These new members will be the ones to carry on communism in China's New Era. Professor Shen Chuanliang from the Central Party School, has been studying the Party history for some two decades. His focus is the new stage.
PROFESSOR SHEN CHUANLIANG DIRECTOR OF PARTY HISTORY DEPT. CPC CENTRAL PARTY SCHOOL "To put the Party's latest thoughts on governance into the charter is to consolidate consensus. To put the breakthrough theoretical achievements and practical experience into the charter, will help promote the whole country's development in the New Era with the new tasks."
Shen Chuanliang says putting "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" into the party constitution shows the significance of its core position and historic role. This new Thought carries a vast spectrum of meanings. It makes clear the Party's overarching goal, strategy and policies for rejuvenation to make a strong, modern country by the middle of the century. These include the change of the principal contradiction, fostering confidence in the path, law-based governance, building a strong military, and new types of international relations. Certain principles are mandatory, like the Party's leadership in all work, a people centered-approach, deepening reforms, and a new vision for growth.
PROFESSOR SHEN CHUANLIANG DIRECTOR OF PARTY HISTORY DEPT. CPC CENTRAL PARTY SCHOOL "This amendment is based on the Party's previous thoughts, to provide new ideas and solutions in dealing with new challenges and contradictions of society, which enters into the new era."
Professor Shen says revision is a CPC tradition in advancing with the times. Nearly every Party Congress has amended the charter. And once the new theoretical thoughts are enshrined, they could lead the country in an irreversible direction.
"The CPC charter is a small book, but it contains all the important thoughts and principles leading the world's biggest party. Each leadership has left its imprint. Today, the Thought of Xi Jinping has been written in. And its implementation means a new chapter for the Party, the country, and the people. Han Bin, CGTN, Beijing."