Ex Australian PM: Boao Forum owes success to 'absolute commitment' of China
Updated 11:08, 28-Jun-2018

By CGTN's Greg Navarro

Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke said the Boao Forum for Asia has evolved to become a “must go” venue that provides great opportunities for meeting and mixing business opportunities and discussing issues that will affect business operations of people and governments.
In an interview with CGTN, Hawke said the success of the forum would not have happened without the “absolute commitment of the Chinese government.”
Hawke said it is important that globalization and international trade “should be the head of the agenda” and expressed interest in seeing global warming on the discussion table as it is a “great threat.”
“I think we are at an important potential turning point in history: We can either improve the standard and quality of life of all mankind or we can destroy life as we know it,” he noted.