Rainbow escalator unveiled in E China mall with shoppers' safety in mind

2017-06-03 15:15 GMT+8
Editor Cai Mengxiao

An escalator with rainbow steps on Friday was unveiled at a shopping mall in Shaoxing, east China’s Zhejiang Province. /VCG Photo

Adding an extra splash of color to the interior of the venue, the new stairs will help guide people as they ride the escalator since the different colors of steps work as a good indicator of when to take a step forward. /VCG Photo

In recent years, news about people dying or sustaining injuries in accidents related to escalators have made recurrent headlines. A four-month-old baby was killed in November last year at a Hangzhou shopping plaza after his grandma accidentally dropped him from the third to the first floor when she lost balance upon stepping on an escalator. In July 2015, a woman died after falling through an escalator, which had a loose metal penal at its top at a shopping mall in Jingzhou, Hubei province./VCG Photo

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