In the U-S, the disgraced former women's gymnastics national team doctor, Larry Nassar, is being confronted by yet more of his sexual abuse victims. The 54-year-old is currently undergoing a four-day sentencing hearing and is set to be told he will spend the rest of his life in prison having already been found guilty of child pornography, but not before all the willing survivors have had their say in court.
JAMIE DANTZSCHER SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIM "Now, over 140 women have bravely come forward, not only for ourselves, but to ensure that you can never hurt another child or destroy another family again. How dare you ask any of us for forgiveness? And how dare you act like you care for a second about our healing?"
Another Olympic gymnast, McKayla Maroney, was not present, but prepared a statement to be read in her absence. Nassar will likely be sentenced next week after all 100-plus victims who have signed up to speak or have a statement read have been heard. Nassar has admitted to molesting potential Olympic gymnasts whilst employed at Michigan State University. The judge opened Thursday's proceedings by strongly criticising a letter he wrote which detailed complaints about the hearing.