MOFA: UN Korean Peninsula meeting should focus on easing tensions, not sanctions
By Huang Yichang

2017-04-28 19:39 GMT+8

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend a UN Security Council special ministerial meeting on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue on Friday local time. At a Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) regular news briefing on Friday, spokesperson Geng Shuang said the meeting should be about easing growing tensions rather than looking at potential sanctions on the DPRK.
Geng said that the tensions on the Korean Peninsula are complicated. All parties should take full advantage of the UN's open ministerial meeting on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. 
“If the meeting focuses on how to place more sanctions on the DPRK, we'll miss this hard-earned opportunity. It may deteriorate relations between all parties and may destroy the efforts we've made so far. China hopes the ministerial meeting will send out a positive and balanced signal on solving the Korean Peninsula issue,” said Geng,