Mausoleum of Augustus to rise again in Rome
The Mausoleum of Augustus in Rome is to be reborn thanks to a restoration project that began on May 3. The Italian capital's mayor Virginia Raggi said the monumental tomb of Rome’s first emperor would resume its “iconic” status after decades of abandonment.
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Located in Piazza Augusto Imperatore, the mausoleum was constructed by the Roman Emperor Augustus in 28 BC. The resting place of the eponymous emperor and his successors Nero and Tiberius is the city’s largest circular tomb, but has been shut to visitors since the 1970s. The structure was used as a concert hall in the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
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When it reopens in April 2019, the site will feature 3D displays, Raggi said. The project is funded by the city of Rome, the culture ministry and private parties.
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