Chinese donations help girls' orphanage in Ethiopia

2017-03-12 09:51:03 GMT+8 8326km to Beijing
Editor Zhang Ruijun
Kebebe Tsehay Center is one of four children centers under the Addis Ababa City Administration Women and Children Affairs Bureau. 
It caters for orphaned children, and those whose parents are unable to take care of them. Most of the girls are between one month and 8 years old.
This handout picture taken on May 26, 2016 and released by UNICEF Ethiopia on June 9, 2016 shows children queuing in Gambella. /CFP Photo
With limited resources, Kebebe Tsehay Center, which is home to about 250 children, often relies on donations like a recent one from China’s diplomatic mission in Ethiopia, which included schoolbags, food, toys and stationery.
Aside from food like chocolate and milk powder, the Chinese group also brought two washing machines, said Lin Zhimin, counselor at the Chinese embassy in Ethiopia.
The head of the Addis Ababa City Administration Women and Children Affairs Bureau welcomed the gesture and called for more support for the disadvantaged girls. 
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