Former Tianjin police chief sentenced to death with reprieve

2017-05-27 18:10 GMT+8 618km to Beijing
Editor Li Qian

Wu Changshun, former police chief of north China's Tianjin Municipality, was given a death sentence with a two-year reprieve on Saturday for graft. 

The intermediate people's court of Zhengzhou city in central China's Henan Province where Wu stood on trial, said that Wu took advantage of his posts to illegally hold 342 million yuan (about 49.7 million US dollars) in public funds through companies directly under his control.

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Wu was also indicted for accepting bribes worth about 84.4 million yuan (about 12.31 million US dollars) directly or through his family, and seeking personal interests by embezzling public funds amounting to 101 million yuan (about 14.7 million US dollars) for profit-making activities of entities.

After the two-year reprieve, Wu's death penalty will be commuted to life imprisonment, and no further commutation or parole will be permitted, according to the court.

Wu pleaded guilty and told the court he won't appeal the verdict.

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